Sunday, January 20, 2008

Out pouring of love...

This week, since making my final preparations to leave and people recognizing the imminence of my departure, has been characterized by a lot of heart felt talks, gifts and gestures. It would probably make sense to write this after next weekend, once all the bon voyage activities happen, but by then I may be emotionally overwhelmed or drained. Moreover, this can act as a preemptive measure. Nonetheless, there has been so much love thrown my way from people wishing me well on this next journey, it is necessary to recognize it publicly.

This post was inspired by the last gift I've gotten, from B. A letter addressed, to Alex "Chizzoy" Choy...hahahahahaha....containing a CD. I haven't even listened to it yet. Then the other one of the consturction workers, Craig, who is working on our remodeling left me a Bhodisattva as a traveling charm. All these gifts combined with heartfelt conversations and words of encouragement have all been overwhelming. Thank you everyone. And for all things of this sort about to happen, thank you all in advanced. Because once the pinnacle of this stuff hits, it will be very hard for me to be this composed and write a post that isn't filled with nostalgia.

Man...if these few things are so meaningful to me, how will I handle this next weekend? It's good I thought of this blog though, never was one to pour out my emotions publicly, but it's good practice for Africa. So, for everyone reading this, this will be as truthful of an account as I can handle, so brace yourselves for the best and worst. It will be filled with love, inspiration, excitment, hate, discouragement and sadness all at the same time. I love you all and miss you already.


Test said...


LN said...

breathe, and remember that we all got yo back bro, thats why were showing you love. now, get your ass to africa!!
ps that craig is a good dude.
pps you better believe DJ ELLEN will be blessin the party with her mad skills!! :)