Sunday, February 10, 2008

First Day Off

Hola everyone. Kairya be? ( there peace, or peace be unto you...a saalam aleekum.)

Today we had our first free day, so I spent it sleeping in a bit...9:30 am...and then we went off to the beach. Nothing too crazy yet, the beach reminded me of PV a bit, with the cliffs and all...

Tomorrow we find out which language we will be learning which is exciting. Then comes the hard part...the training village. Until the real action starts...just wanted to say I am feeeling goood and it is exciting to be here.

Friday, February 8, 2008

So far, so AWESOME.

My computer time is limited and there are several people here who need to use the computer...but let me just say I am well, and safe and now in The Gambia. Everything you here about West African friendliness is true. The food so far is amazing, and the weather is beautiful. Until the next time I can blog, everyone take care, I love you and peace.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

First Day of Staging

Right now, I am chilling with my roommate right now, Eugene, the only other Asian American guy in my program, a Korean man from Washington State. Oh, by the way...Lagooners....Eugene is a Smash Brothers fanatic...hell yeah. Just got back from a dope bar in DC called, "Marvin," a bar themed by Marvin Gaye's time in Europe. We started the night with dinner, Law, me, Chari and his girl, Krishma. Ended it with my final shot in the US, with Mr. Law...fitting.

But, that's the immediate. I'm sure everyone is wondering how my first day at staging was. It was excellent. As far as the program, we just did some ice breakers, talked about our fears and ambitions, and went over a few important points to cultural immersion. But, what was great is what wasn't explicitly taught. All 16 volunteers in my program are awesome people, friendly and ambitious. After the first day, much of my anxiety is gone and replaced by excitement. It seems that Africa is a laid back place, full of nice people, who know how to live life. I think I'm going to Love Africa.

On a final note, as I should go to sleep since I have to wake up at a decent hour tomorrow, I just want to say that I love everyone. David Law, I know you will be awesome, and I'm counting on you. You too, Wei. Please take care of yourselves, and I'll try to be good about keeping you up to date.

So far, amazing.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

New York New York

Well, it's about 6:45 am here, which means it's about 4 in the morning over in Cali. Woke up for some odd reason, after a night of partying with all the pilams and couldn't fall back asleep. In the few hours that I have been here, New York has already been fabulous...and crazy. I have to go to the store tomorrow to buy another mp3 player, since mine fell out inside a cab tonight. I was so tired, I didn't even notice my headphones hanging by itself out of my sweatshirt until I had gotten up to Andy's apartment on the 26th floor. At first I was frustrated, but it's really no time to get upset about little setbacks now. Oh well, hopefully I can find a nicer one, for's not like I'll have time to spend the money once I leave the country anyways...

As the sun rises a long the atlantic ocean, and I sit in a room filled with young men, with at least 2 snorers, I can't help but let my mind wander to those at home. It's a odd balancing act that I have to accomplish, where I don't want people at home to stop thinking of me, but at the same time, I want them to live their life, irregardless of whether I'm there or not. I guess the former is more of a selfish hope...but then again, the latter makes me feel better about leaving. Really at the end of the day, I know people won't forget about me, but to those who my leaving impacted the most, please take care of yourselves and don't let it affect your happiness. Ego centric? Perhaps, but a true worry of mine.

Nonetheless, life's adventure has begun and I hit the floor running. It wasn't more than 10 minutes before my first gin and tonic was placed before me, and my friends here spoil shown by me waking up a 6, on the couch while most others were on the floor. All's well that ends well.

A little drunk

I am now drunk in New York. But it has made me think of all the people I will miss. Take care of yourselves, and we'll be seeing each other soon.